
Hi, Im Alex Reichel

Software Engineer with a focus in Object Oriented programming while practicing the Agile/Scrum method

Who Am I ?

Motivated and enthusiastic Software Engineer with an interest and experience in Full Stack Development. Proven experience in developing software and well-skilled in the software development life cycle. Interested in Problem solving and logical thinking.



Efficient with Microsoft Office, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, Visual Studio, Github and Azure

Created solutions in C++, C, C#, Python, Java, React.js, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS and WordPress

Ability to adapt and demonstrate flexibility when problems occur

Detail oriented and solution driven

Communicates appropriately and professionally to others to finish tasks

  • Education
  • University of West Florida

    August 2020 - December 2023

    Graduated with Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with Honors: Cum Laude (GPA: 3.66) | Dean’s List (2020, 2021, 2023) | President's List (2023) | UWF Cybersecurity Certificate | CompTIA Security+ Certificate

  • Experience
  • Software Engineer at Dynamic Software Solutions

    December 2023 - Present


  • Software Engineer Intern at Dynamic Software Solutions

    May 2023 - December 2023


  • Software Developer at Smart Group Traders Inc

    May 2023 - August 2023



Project Showcase


Order Tracker

Python Flask application connected to a SQL-Alchemy database displayed as a store front for both sellers and buyers, users can create products while others can buy those products. Sellers are able to update the order status placed by users which can then be displayed and tracked via a user-friendly interface displayed on both user ends.

PDF 2 Excel

Python program with a user interface to translate words from PDF documents written in Spanish and extracted important data to then be displayed and formatted in automated Excel sheets using Python packages and APIs such as deep-translator, xlwings, xlsxWriter, and pdfminer



Python Flask application connected to a SQL-Alchemy database displayed as a gaming application that encourages users to play three different mini games about CyberSecurity terminology and principles

Here are some of my most recent projects written in the following languages: C++, C, Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP and Lisp. These projects all display and demonstrate various important Computer Science topics such as the TCP Client-Server relationship, SQL Database creation and management, Finite State Machines, GUI creation, Thread computing as well as other various data structures and algorithms


C++ HTTP Server

This C++ project creates a simple HTTP server. This project represents knowledge of the TCP/IP Protocol between a socket server and client acting as a browser.


PHP User Authentication System connected to MySQL Database

PHP script that functions as User Authentication System allowing any user to login or register. The Script creates and populates a MySQL database and table with user information, applicable to any company needing user authentication.


Python Finite State Automata Machine Generator

This Python project reads a txt file containing the specifics required to build a finite state machine, the program then builds a fully functional finite state machine that is able to process input strings. After the strings have been processed the user is then presented a graphic of the FSA.